Sunday, October 21, 2007 @10:43 AM
Flu season for me...
First time i ever had such a bad flu and sore throat which according to the doctor that the flu was bad enough which affect my nerves and caused me to feel giddy causing me to not able to walk straight. Gotten 2 days MC from school on thursday(18 Oct) and Friday (19 Oct). As i was supposed to be working on Friday, with my MC and didn't go work that night.
On Saturday, felt better so didn't get another day MC from the doctor and went for a long 10hours work. I guess it's because i was in air conditioned environment for 10 long hours without my medicine since it will caused me to feel sleepy, my flu and sore throat got worst then before. suay ah!! Couldn't go work on Sunday again so went to see the doctor again and gotten new medicine and even anti biotics!! more medicine to be taken!! The medicine given to me this time round was the most i have ever gotten so far!!
Sleepy and feeling wobbly!! there's school and work tomorrow!! But good news is, i'm going to book for JAY CHOU's concert tickets tomorrow!! yipee!!
::L o V e T z E::
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 @3:33 PM
Rundown of what happened when school re-open.
15 October 2007
Class starts at 0900. Lecture for Inventory Management. Basically, the lecturer just read out the whole chunk of words from the powerpoint slide which was reflected on the inventory management notes which we bought!! ~ BORING!!
Break for 2 1/2 hr. Had super awful lunch and went to some empty classroom to slack until the time for course briefing.
1300: course briefing!! The same content which was being repeated over the years, every single semester!! BORING!!
1400: System Security class. At least this wasn't that bad. Did pay attention to what the lecturer was saying and understood her!!
16 October 20070900: Web Database Development lecturer used to be my lecturer for another module in previous semester. Nice and funny guy so his lesson was ok!! But for this lesson, it was installing of software for that module. Took up quite alot of time cause some of the discs are corrupted!!
1200: Lunch at the canteen at ICT block. queued for the western food as that's the shortest queue!! seriously, there's a reason why the queue was that short as the food really sucks!! first, the fish and chip took real long to get it done!! the fries were cold too!! the uncle gave me a complimentary tiramisu as i waited real long for the fish and chip but it was awful!!
Conclusion: lunch sucks!! i want subway in school!!
1300: system security practical class. It was rather fun. All hands on stuff. I get to "hack" my friend's computer!! haha!! interesting!!
1600: going for another class which is Supply Chain Management!! hope it will end soon and i can go for shopping!!
Most importantly, PREORDER JAY CHOU's album!! hehe!!
17 October 2007Class cancelled... woohoo!! good news for me since i'm down with flu.
18 October 2007 & 19 October 2007Class a per normal but my flu got worst and even caused me to feel giddy that i can hardly walk straight. Went to see a doctor and was given 2 days MC meaning no school and work for me until 19October2007. Doctor said that the giddiness might take a longer time to recover from it so can get another day mc from her if necessary but seems that i've recover from it so don't think will be necessary. hehe.
::L o V e T z E::
Sunday, October 14, 2007 @9:34 PM

This is my time table for this semester.
click on it for a larger view of it.
Anyway, today is the first official working day of mine at BORDERS. Was posted to the information counter and it was really busy and i didn't know i need to page for service manager to inform them about me going for lunch and the customers keep coming to the information counter for help so i was too busy to even page for the service manager when i know i'm supposed to call for them. In the end, i was late for my break like 35minutes and only have a brief 15minutes break and back to the information counter. Overall, it was pretty good. At least this time my colleagues at the information counter was helpful. Not like those the other time who ignored me and reprimanded me for something which i wasn't informed of!! hehe!!
Going to school tomorrow!! sianz 1/2 but excited too!! haha!! My study and work life is going to start officially tomorrow!!
::L o V e T z E::
Friday, October 12, 2007 @9:07 PM
BORDERS work is not as easy as i think it is. Hopefully i will be able to get used to it soon. Anyway, following is my schedule for the next 2 weeks:
Sun (14Oct): 11am to 8pm
Fri (19Oct): 6pm to 12midnight on mc
Sat(20 Oct): 2pm to 12midnight
Sun(21Oct): 11am to 8pm on mc again
Mon(22Oct): 5pm to 11pm
Fri(26 Oct): 6pm to 12midnight
Sat(27Oct): 2pm to 12midnight
::L o V e T z E::
Monday, October 1, 2007 @2:06 PM
Had my dental check today at the dental clinic located near my house. My first time to this dental clinic and when i got in the first thing which got into my mind was like, "woah... do they need four dentist and helpers in the room?"
It's been at least 2 years since my last dental check so was rather afraid that my teeth are in bad condition but lucky me. The dentist cleaned my teeth followed by checking of my teeth then she told me all my teeth are well taken care of except for one tooth right at the back with a pretty big hole and did filling for that. *e hole was really big* I've done filling for my teeth before and i must say, this one was the longest and painful one compared to those in school dental check.
Paid S$70 for:
Cleaning: around $20
Consultation: around $15
Filling for tooth: $35
::L o V e T z E::
::L o V e T z E::