Thursday, April 26, 2007 @9:05 PM
Heard this song yesterday and really love it so much!! not bcos it's written by Jay but the lyrics and melody are just so beautiful and Eason manage to sing it so nicely!! wonderful song!!
演唱:陳奕迅作詞:周杰倫 作曲:周杰倫
我說了所有的謊 妳卻都相信 簡單的我愛妳 妳卻老不信
妳書裡的劇情 我不想上演 因為我喜歡 喜劇收尾
我試過完美放棄 的確很踏實
醒來了 夢散了 妳我都走散了
情歌的詞何必押韻 就算我是K歌之王
只能說我輸了 也許是妳怕了
我們的回憶沒有皺摺 妳卻用離開淌下句點
只能說我認了 妳的不安得到妳信任
我試過完美放棄 的確很踏實
醒來了 夢散了 妳我都走散了
情歌的詞何必押韻 就算我是K歌之王
::L o V e T z E::
Monday, April 23, 2007 @9:21 PM
Went to some fair at Suntec Convention Hall 401 on Saturday to support my dearest brother!! Something to rant about... there was this bloody idiotic guy at one of the facial booth where they keep forcing us to buy facial products and even persuaded my mom in a very bad manner to do the facial try out. After doing the facial try out on my mom, the staff ask me to see the difference and replied her flatly that i don't see any difference which is obvious that there really isn't. In the end i got to show them a damn blackie face and force our way out of that bloody booth. stupid promoters!! should have done like what my bro said and took my bro Wu Shu center brochure to bug them to go over to their booth. hehe. idiot facial guy~
There's still nice stuff like watching my bro perform and those cute brats of the Wu Shu Center to perform. really cute!!Brother and his God-mother (i think) from the WuShu Center

Interested in Wu Shu and wants a personal coach? Contact me!!hehe!!
::L o V e T z E::
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 @12:23 PM
Nothing special.... May e students who were shot in Virginia Tech rest in peace.Just being alive is such a lovely and wonderful thing!!
::L o V e T z E::
Monday, April 16, 2007 @8:34 PM
::L o V e T z E::
Sunday, April 15, 2007 @1:01 PM
13 April 2007.... Friday e 13.... haha... went to stay over at Pan Pacific cause Joy get a free room there and she invited me over together with kel and shan as well as von but von got to work and we can't contact her so she didn't go over. Had a fun time with the four of us chatting and gossiping about the past and stuff. When Jo came and join us, we then go to makan sutra to have supper and chat for quite some time as well before going back to pan pacific. In the room, Joy and Jo slept pretty quickly but of course with us trying to not let them sleep in the end we gave up and left kel, shan and i playing big2 for quite some time then shan decided to watch 加油!金顺。 so kelly went to sleep and i watch with shan. in the end, shan watch for like a real short while and fell asleep while i continue to watch. Honestly, i wasn't tired at all, it's just that no one to play with me big2 and all so i got nothing better to do and i fell asleep too. haha. woke up at 8am and no one was awake again so i continue to sleep and finally woke up for the second time at 10am. went for breakfast at BK and went to shan's workplace sit sit, help help, chat chat. Shan suggested buying 4D for the room we stayed for the night and we strike the consolation prize!! $2 bet per person and that win us $120 each. so fun! haha! it's the first time i win 100 over for 4D. haha. the first time i win 4D was with shan too and it's only 20. this time more money. haha. gambling is not a good habit but playing once in a long time and winning some extra cash is rather fun. haha.ok... that's it. got to go out now. hehe.
::L o V e T z E::
Thursday, April 12, 2007 @7:44 PM
Day 3 of internship!!
During the holiday, i was staring at my lappie screen almost every single day watching shows online and i don't feel tired even watching for like close to 15hours daily!! During internship, i stared at the screen for like 6hours today and i felt damn tired after 3hours. so tiring!! It's good that i'm doing work and learning stuff so that i can include it in my report and VIVA. though it's only the first week of the internship, i've already start thinking of what i need to do for my report and VIVA. Had to submit a TOR(term of reference) by the end of this month and have yet to work on it yet!! haha.
P/S: My dear girlfriends, when can we meet to go for another crazy day at E2Max chamber? haha.
::L o V e T z E::
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 @7:40 PM
Internship starts today!!Today i started my internship at this IT company and it wasn't as bad as i thought it was. Didn't do much today, just get to understand the project we will be working on for the next 17weeks. Since it's only the first day, i got nothing much to blog about it. guess will only post more about my internship when i start on the project! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Counting down to the end of Internship!!
::L o V e T z E::