Friday, March 30, 2007 @12:14 PM
Yesterday, i went for a complimentary course, Fundamental of Handling Cybershot, at wisma SONY gallery. It was set at 1830 to make it convenient for working adults and i thought that the working adults will be late since they got to go work of course. I reach there at 1830 sharp and i saw that the workshop premises is filled with mainly middle-aged men. The first thought which came to my mind, "did i come at the wrong day?" Thank goodness i didn't go for the wrong class, else it will be so embarrassing! haha! Throughout the workshop, the instructor kept saying that we will step out of the workshop premises saying, "YEAH! I LOVE MY SONY CYBERSHOT!!" But the thing is, way before i step into that place, i already love my cybershot else why would i bother to pay money to buy it? About the workshop, i did learn more about the camera functions within that 2hours and i earn myself a SONY alpha notebook which the instructor said that it's only available exclusively at the workshop! Oh ya, one more thing. The instructor was giving advice on bringing 5 batteries and 3gb of memory sticks for travelling purposes. When i hear 5 batteries i'm like O_0!! For my camera, each battery is worth S$89. If i were to take his advice, i got to spend S$445 (5 X S$89) for my batteries!! That's alot man!!
After the 2hour workshop, the plan for that night was to watch the movie "The Number 23" with Kelly, Pei Shan, Joy and Jo. And before the movie, Joy and Jo were having dinner with Wei Ru so we met Wei Ru at Cineleisure before the movie! Didn't see him for quite a long time so was really nice to see him again after such a long while. I guess the next time when we get to meet, his hair will not be what is like in the picture since he is going for National Service in less than 2 weeks' time. *To Wei Ru: Have fun!!*
After chatting with Wei Ru for a SHORT while (around 5minutes?), it's bye bye Wei Ru and time for movie! It's a PG-rated movie but we didn't expect that parents will actually bring their children to watch such movies as we saw a child in the same theatre as us. Quite noisy at the beginning 3minutes of the show but she then settled down and was playing on her own at the stairs of the theatre. But the question in my mind was, why did the parents even brought her to watch this movie? There are intimate scenes in the movie and some suicidal scenes as well. I don't think movie with such contents is suitable for kids of the age of 5!
*Credits to for 'The number 23 pic*
Back to the topic of the movie, the opening of the movie started off with showing the credits and some real information about events related to the number 23 and it is not just a few events but many!! Many events with no linkage but coincidentally, it's related to 23. The movie of course, revolves around this number 23 after the character, Walter Sparrow(starred by Jim Carrey) read this book named 'The number 23'. The 1st hour basically shows him reading the book and telling us more about the curse number 23 and after the 1st hour which it seems to be that it's coming to an end of the movie, then did i realise that it's just the beginning of the twist to the show. A worth watching movie for the storyline. About the curse number 23, i shall take all the events related to this number 23 as a coincidence. It's just like if you really want to take this number as a cursed number, you will find all ways and means to link events, things, colors or whatever you can to the number 23. Bottom line, watch it but don't think too much about the curse number 23. After movie, we went to coffee club beside cineleisure to have some coffee, supper and chatting time!! Miss the past where we often conference on the phone and chat for hours. Talk about lots of the past times we had together. And sorry Jo if we had bored you since some of our topics were related to secondary school life. Fun to reminisce from time to time. We seriously should have a celebration on the 10th year of our friendship and more celebration every 10years!! Love you all my friends!!
::L o V e T z E::
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 @12:43 PM
Hehe... Here comes my second post!! Here is a list of my favorite Jap, HongKong dramas till now.
#1: Hana Yori Dango 1 n Hana Yori Dango Returns!! Yes, this is adapted from a manga and there's a taiwan version which is meteor garden. After watching Hana Yori Dango, i really think that meteor garden is not as good as this. First, HanaYoriDango is not that draggy in storyline and the cast are much more good looking as compared to the taiwan version. (no offence to meteor garden fans) The ending of HanaYoriDango Returns is absolutely wonderful!! Other than the story, the songs and music in the show is perfect too! In the 1st season, the theme song, "Wish" is sang by Arashi嵐 and the ending song, "Planetarium" sang by Otsuka Ai. As for season 2, the theme song is sang, "Love so Sweet" is sang by Arashi嵐 once again and the ending song, "Flavor of Life" sang by Utada Hikaru.
Domyoji Tsukasa, Hanazawa Rui, Nishikado Shojiro, Mimasaka Akira (from left to right)
Domyoji Tsukasa starred by Matsumoto Jun 松本潤
Hanazawa Rui starred by
Oguri Shun 小栗旬
Nishikado Shojiro starred by
Matsuda Shota 松田翔太
Mimasaka Akira starred by
Abe Tsuyoshi 阿部 力
Makino Tsukushi starred by
Inoue Mao 井上真央
#2: My date with a vampire 1,2,3!! A total of 3 series to this show and it's a totally wonderful hongkong series. Though there's a total of 3 series which seems long but i wish that they will have another sequel to it! You simply won't get bored of this series even if there will be more sequel. hehe.

#3: Gokusen
#4: Kimi Wa Petto
#5: GTO aka Great Teacher Onizuka
#6: Under the same roof 1 & 2
All the above shows are highly recommended and are in no particular order of which is the best! Do watch it when you have the time!!
::L o V e T z E::
@1:15 AM
Konnichi wa to all my friends!! WELCOME TO MY BLOG!! Finally, i've decided my blog name and start up this blog. During the IT Fair 2007, i got myself a camera. SONY W55 at only S$399 which is really cheap considering that it's still a new model. After buying it, i'm both happy and sad. Happy because i got a camera of my own. Sad cause i paid using my own money meaning 399 less in my bank account! haha! Nevermind, i'll earn that back!!
15 march 2007, i went to Uncle Ringo's fanfair with PeiShan, PeiLing (e aw's sisters), Yvonne, Jonathan (e Huang's siblings). I only take the ferris wheel ride which cost S$7.50 but we were up on the ride for like more than 10minutes. so each round is only 75cents.haha.

25th March, we(Shan, Ling, Wei, Joy, Jo, and i) went to watch TMNT and somehow i wish that the movie will finish asap and get out of the theatre.
Reason 1: we were sitting at the third row from the screen and it's really uncomfortable to watch movie in that manner.
Reason 2: the show seems rather boring to me but the graphics is really good!
After movie, Kelly joined us and we went to CenterPoint's pizza hut to makan! Had a really crazy time in there chatting and playing around. And of course, the cake cutting session but it's not Pei Ling who cut it as the ice cream cake is really hard! But the cake is still so yummy! *thanks to Kelly who helped us buy it*

After that, we went to Joy's house to hang out. We were playing this mini mahjong which Jo bought for Joy. When i say mini, i really meant mini. it's really the miniature type of mahjong. So small that it's really difficult to play with so we only played one round of mahjong!! surprise surprise! Played a few rounds of UNO followed by asshole Dai Dee!! The name of it doesn't sound nice but it's really fun to play with and it totally make us go crazy!!

And finally, i've come to the end of my first post!! tata!! will post soon!! Oyasuminasai!!
::L o V e T z E::